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About Us​

Kerry - "Having spent my career working in hospitality and mental health, I have gained a wealth of transferable skills, including problem solving, efficiency, reliability and professionalism. I am something of a perfectionist and will not leave a job until I have completed it to the very best of my ability. I like to think I am very friendly and approachable so customers can come to me with any requests or concerns. 

My husband and I adopted our first rescue cat - Alfie (although in actual fact he chose us!), in 2012 and he immediately became a huge part of our lives, cementing us as a family unit. He has been with us through several house moves, a car accident and a number of medical conditions and is now best friends with our daughter Grace. In 2014 we added Maisy to the crew. Maisy was also adopted from a rescue charity and was known as the longest stay cat due to her extremely timid nature. It really tugged on my heartstrings to see her so frightened that she would lie in her dirty litter tray all day as it was the only place she felt some degree of safety. As soon as I sat next to her, began stroking her and she nudged me and purred I was sold, I knew we were taking her home! It's taken years of work and she still has a way to go, but Maisy is now a much more confident girl, happy with her routine and obsessed with Alfie!

I began volunteering at a local cat rescue charity in 2014 as a Cat Carer. This involved cleaning the pens, feeding, grooming, giving medication and of course (the fun bit!) - socialising and playing! I quickly decided I wanted to be more involved so myself and my husband trained to work in the reception area as rehomers. We worked with a huge variety of cats including kittens, elderly, blind, injured, timid and aggressive so we are experienced in these areas and feel confident looking after cats who may not be "the norm". 

The dream of owning my own cattery and rescue center was born some years ago and is something I will continue to work towards in the future. In short, my ultimate goal is to prevent suffering and help cats and families come together."

Relevant training

* Pet First Aid

* Cat Care Certificate

* Pet Sitting Diploma

* PetPlan Insurance Training

Gareth "I made my first connection with animals at a mere 5 months old when Misty, our beloved first family friend, came into our lives. We spent a happy 18 years together and life hasn't been the same since.

I've shared my home with dogs, cats, mice, gerbils, hamsters, rabbits, fish and a snake and each one was as big a part of my life as my daughter is now.

Animals and their welfare run through my veins and you can be assured that any animal I look after will be treated like my own."

Relevant training

* PetPlan Insurance Training

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